Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My First Movie Review

Brain Storming
-historicaly accurate
-game play
-south africa
-world cup
- jonah lomu
-all blacks
- good movie

Review of Invictius
   Invictus was an all around good movie. Not only was the plot good but unlike most rugby movies ther got the gameplay correct which made the movie even better if you know anything about rugby. It most other movies they only show people getting hit hard or scoring, in Invictus they show rucks, scrums, open field, play, and they even showed practice.
   The role of mandela Was played by Morgen Freeman who i thought did a great job. Freeman has never disapointed me in a movie he has done, and really did a good job capturing the charictoristics of a person from south africa in such a bad time period.
   The springboks rugby team was mandelas secreat wepon to reunite South Africa. The springboks are a fanominal Rugby team which has alot of talanted people on the team. They did win the World Cup reuniting South African and giving Mandela the support he needed to build up such a poor place at the time.
   The New Zealend All Blacks were the team that The Springboks beat with a last seccond drop goal which is like a field goal. The All Blacks are allways the team to beat so it was not an easy win but the pulled it off.
    lastly the movie really stood out to me with how accurate all the events in the move were. mandela getting out of jail and becoming president, riding the springboks to peace for the nation, and never doughting any decision he makes.

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